Guidelines for Non-Section 106 Archaeological Investigations
- Whenever possible, research projects should follow the appropriate standards for Phase I, II and III investigations. In particular, field standards for site survey, site identification and site boundary definition are applicable to all projects. Archaeological projects that identify new sites or revisit previously recorded sites must submit site forms to the Division by the completion of the project. Any projects that conduct test or data recovery excavations at a site must also submit an updated site form documenting the results of the fieldwork.
- If the project is designed to assess a site’s eligibility for nomination to the National Register, then the Phase II field investigation standards will be applied to the Division’s review of the report and the eligibility assessment(s). The Division requests that an assessment of National Register eligibility be provided for every site investigated on the project. The basis for the assessment must be included on the site form and in the report.
- Research projects undertaken on private land (i.e., not under tribal, federal or state ownership, lease or control) and with private or grant funds are not required to submit a research design to the Division for review, although the Division will be happy to provide comments if requested. Similarly, the final project reports do not have to be reviewed by the Division, although the Division strongly requests that it receive a copy of the final report in order to maintain a comprehensive library of archaeological research in the State. Each project should include a statement as to where the collection will be housed and that it was curated according to the standards of the Division of Archaeology.