Section 106 review takes its name from Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (NHPA). Section 106 requires federal agencies or their applicants to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic structural and archaeological properties. The Section 106 process must be completed prior to the spending of federal funds or issue of a federal license or permit for the undertaking. The Section 106 process must be conducted as directed by federal regulation (36 CFR Part 800).
- Cover letter with attached background describing the following:
- Name of federal agency, agency involvement (Funding, license\permit, etc. and description of the undertaking (Detailed description of project).
- Applicant contact information (Name, address, phone number and email address).
- Agency contact information (Name, address, phone number and email address).
- Description of the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The APE can be direct or indirect. It is defined as “the geographic area or areas within which an undertaking may cause changes in the character or use of historic properties, if any such properties exist.” (Include the latitude\longitude of the undertaking location and APE)
- Description of all historic properties within and adjacent to the APE. The historic standing structure is any structure fifty years of age and older. Under Section 106, it is the responsibility of the federal agency or its designee to identify all structures listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
- Detailed project scope of work including design plans.
Map and site plan showing APE and exact location of project undertaking.
Photographs of the entire APE and project location. Photographs of all historic (fifty years of age and older) within the APE. Buildings should be documented showing diagonal views of front and side and rear and opposite side of the building. All photos should be keyed to a site map and project plans if applicable.
Send the cover letter and supporting background documentation addressed to:
State Historic Preservation Officer
Louisiana Office of Cultural Development
P.O. Box 44247
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-44247
The National Historic Preservation Act allows the SHPO 30 days, from date of receipt, to process and respond to your request. Any submission received on a State holiday or after 5:00 pm Monday – Friday will be considered received the following business day.
We are no longer able to offer expedited reviews unless a previous legal agreement is in place. Please allow two weeks from submission before project status inquiries are made. Thank you for your cooperation!