Historic buildings are tangible links to the past. They give communities a sense of stability, individuality, and orientation. Our government encourages the preservation of historic buildings through various means, including the Federal 20% Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program.

The historic tax credit program is one of the nation's most successful and cost-effective community revitalization programs. It fosters private sector rehabilitation of historic buildings and promotes investment in local economies. It also provides a strong alternative to government ownership and management of historic properties. It generates jobs, both during the construction phase and in the spin-off effects of increased earning and consumption.

Rehabilitation of historic buildings attracts new private investment to the historic cores of cities and towns and is crucial to the long-term economic health of many communities. Enhanced property values generated by the program result in higher revenues for local and state government through increased property, business, and income taxes.

  • The Federal 20% Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program is jointly administered by the National Park Service and the Internal Revenue Service.
  • The Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation acts as an applicant's first point of contact when pursuing historic tax credits.
  • The credit is available for those income-producing buildings that are individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places or are contributing elements to National Register Historic Districts.
  • Rehabilitation projects must be substantial; that is, the qualified rehabilitation expenses must exceed the value of the historic building.
  • All projects must be completed according to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, and buildings must be retained for five years to receive the full value of the credit.   

Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit - Application Updates

Beginning August 15, 2023, all Federal historic preservation certification applications must be submitted electronically, both new applications submitted to the Division of Historic Preservation and materials submitted directly to NPS in response to requests for additional information. Technical Preservation Services has issued application forms and instructions for electronic submission, which are available on the TPS website. Older versions of the Federal applications will no longer be accepted after the August 15th deadline.  

NPS has scheduled a training webinar on electronic submission for program users. Use the link below to register for the webinar:

Wednesday, August 9 at 3pm (CST)


Federal Historic Preservation Certification Application Forms (Rev. 2023) and Instructions

Electronic Submission

The Division of Historic Preservation is now accepting digital State and Federal tax credit applications via Google form submission. To submit applications electronically via this form, applicants must create a free Google account with a Gmail address. Applicants who cannot do so may submit digital applications via a mailed USB drive. 

The link to submit a Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit application via online portal is posted below. All Federal application files are to comply with NPS digital submission standards found here. If applying for both State and Federal Tax Credits, State application forms should follow the naming conventions found here. Make sure to review these standards prior to submission. DIGITAL APPLICATIONS THAT DO NOT MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE RETURNED FOR CORRECTION. 
Please review the submission checklist prior to submitting an application.


Check Federal Historic Tax Credit Project Status

The project look-up feature on the NPS Technical Preservation Services website is the best way for applicants to check the application status, once it has been forwarded from the Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation / State Historic Preservation Office.

IRS Connection

The IRS has provided information for use by applicants for the Historic Preservation Tax Incentives. Its purpose is to present an overview of the issues set forth, and it should not be relied upon as definitive tax advice. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult their tax adviser or the Internal Revenue Service about the tax implications of the Historic Preservation Tax Incentives.

On December 22, 2017, Public Law No: 115-97 (Pub. L. 115-97) was signed and enacted, amending the Internal Revenue Code to reduce tax rates and modify policies, credits, and deductions for individuals and businesses. Pub. L. 115-97 (Sec. 13402) modifies the 20% Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit as well as provides certain transition rules. These and other changes to the Internal Revenue Code may affect a taxpayer's ability to use the 20% Historic Tax Credit. The text of Pub. L. 115-97 is available at www.congress.gov

Applicants requesting historic preservation certifications by the National Park Service as well as others interested in the use of these tax credits are strongly advised to consult an accountant, tax attorney, or other professional tax adviser, legal counsel, or the Internal Revenue Service regarding the changes to the Internal Revenue Code related to Pub. L. 115-97.

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation provides a list of ten guidelines that must be met when rehabilitating a historic property for its new, modern use. These Standards must be considered when planning a project that may be eligible for historic rehabilitation tax credits.

The Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation has created an indexed guide to the Standards, along with helpful information for first-time applicants on Standards interpretation.

Contact Information
Phone (225) 342-8160
Fax (225) 219-9772
Mailing Address: Tax Incentives Staff, Division of Historic Preservation, P.O. Box 44247, Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Overnight Mail: Tax Incentives Staff, Division of Historic Preservation, 4th Floor, 1051 N. Third Street, Baton Rouge, LA  70802

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